Thursday 10 September 2009

District 9, Neill Blomkamp and the Halo movie that never was

At one point, this post was intended to be my District 9 review. However I read Den's review over at his Blog and decided that everyone should read that instead of whatever waffle I was gonna write.

The only problem I had with District 9 was that by the end of it I REALLY wished that Neill Blomkamp and Pater Jackson's version of the Halo movie had gotten off the ground. If you didn't know about it, or how close they got then indulge me a brief history lesson.

The Halo movie that was, died about 2 years ago after the studios funding it pulled out. Peter Jackson was producing and had Weta doing preproduction on the film for up to a year or more before the plug was eventually pulled. Pater Jackson had originally asked Guillermo Del Toro to direct but he turned it down in favour of directing Hellboy 2. Jackson then asked Blomkamp to direct and he accepted.

This was happening around the same time that Bungie was gearing up the promotion for Halo 3's release. As the movie had been killed off by then and Weta still had a large amount of preproduction work done, Neill Blomkamp direct a few Halo 3 TV adverts. The full version of this short film is embedded below.

Having seen District 9, and having re watched the Halo 3: Landfall video a few more times, I think I can safely say that we have missed out on a Halo move that could have been something special. But hey apparently they are prepping another one now... (not with the same people though...)


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

OMG!! This looks AWESOME!

Great posts by the way.. luv em'

hahaha.. Mr.Odd, I knew IamOddzilla must have been you.. I only worked it out when i saw the Warhammer Posts. Just too Obvious..

Great blogspot though!! ;)

Oddzilla said...

Perhaps I should point out, that comments are emailed to me before you get chance to delete them! But don't worry, I am proud to be a Geek Raihan :) Glad you like the blog.. really need to update...