Thursday 10 September 2009

Oddzilla and The Guild

For just over a year now, I have spent a somewhat ridiculous amount of time playing Warhammer Online. In case you are unaware, Warhammer Online (WAR for short) is a Massively Multyplayer Online Role-Playing Game or MMORPG (pronounced Mamorpahger). My main Character is a Level 40 Black Orc called, surprisingly enough, Oddzilla.

Last December a few of us, disgruntled and jaded about the guilds we were in, banded together to create a new guild. Jaded Brutality. For nearly a year we have grown as guild, made some good friends (I've even met one of them! In Norway no less!), achieved greatness and had a bloody good time!

However this post is instead intended to draw your attention to The Guild. The Guild is a web based series, kind of a sitcom really, centering around a group of people who all belong to a Guild in a fictional MMORPG. If you play or have played a MMORPG, then you will find it cuttingly amusing. If you haven't, well it's not exactly going to make you want to play one, but it is very funny.

Go to their website and check out the episodes... the first of which is embedded below. (They are also available on Xbox live... In glorious HD no less!) They have just begun to release the third season so there is a bit of it to watch!

Incidentally, the main character, Codex is played by Felicia Day (who also writes it) who recently appeared in Dollhouse, which is awesome TV.


Chris Christison said...

I'm going to marry Felicia Day. Oh yes. I am.

Oddzilla said...

Of course you are my dear :)

Have you seen Dr Horrible's sing along blog yet?