Tuesday 18 August 2009

Man versus Alien...

Ahhh the amount of time I spent playing Space Hulk in my youth. The only thing that puts me off of getting the new version when it is released later this year, is the fact that it's being released in conjunction with the original game's 20th anniversary. That makes me old.
The version does look quite fantastic though, the new miniatures are awesome looking and I already have intentions to add the new Genestealers to the already heaving ranks of four armed gribblies in my Tyranid army - not that I will ever get the buggers painted. Alas it has no potato headed Genestealer Hybrids, which is kinda a shame as I always had a soft spot for those guys, even if it was in the same way that you always kinda feel sorry for club footed pigeons.
There is also a pang of disappointment with the Terminators. Don't get me wrong, the new ones are amazing and would look at home in any self respecting Space Marine army (once you have filed off all the dirty Blood Angels gumpf...) It's just that I always like the 2 dimensional nature of the old ones, with their shoe box guns and the neat gimmicky way you could sheath the guns with a lame looking flame thrower attachment. Sod it, they were lame. The funny thing about nostalgia is that when you actually think about it, the old stuff was always shit. Try watching the original Transformers cartoon... go on...
I dare you...

1 comment:

Chris Christison said...

Dude you need to pester some more followers up-- my face looks all lonely over there! Ah, Spacehulk. What can I say that you haven't already nostalgia'd all over? How about;


And yes, I suppose Spacehulk may rock, but it really makes me tweak for some ADVANCED SPACE CRUSADE- Yeeeeaaaaahhhh! Plastic bemohawked Space Marine scouts vs. delicious original Tyranids and THOSE SAME TWO GENESTEALERS OVER AND OVER AGAIN. You know- the sprue that wouldn't die. Suck a hellfire shell you blue- plastic'd monstrosities!!