Saturday 1 August 2009

It's August!

Not that this is anything to be particularly excited about but I am just getting onto the second week of my three week holiday and its August. I know this isnt really interesting but had you spent the las 12 years working for Games Workshop you would know that the summer holidays is the busiest time of the year next to christmas. Having time off in the summer was only ever allowed due to special dispensation. Having it the end of July, beginning of August was unlikely at best. Having over THREE WEEKS which spanned July and August wat unthinkable!
That said I feel that I have currently squandered much of this time. Yesterday I spent the entire day playing Warhammer Online in my pants. The day before I spent playing Call of Duty 5 with Ian (I like Tanks). Wednesday I think I spent the entire day playing Warhammer Online (in my pants). I am noticing a pattern...
Well as I sit here writing this (in my pants) (with Warhammer Online windowed behined this window) I have come to several conclusions.
  1. I should spend more time in the holidays dressed.
  2. I actually NEED to get out more.
  3. It is possible that I am becoming one of those Gollum like creatures that does nothing but play MMORGS.
  4. Next week I am not at home for most of it and will be out in the world doing "stuff".
  5. The week after I am in Norway for a week.
  6. So thats effectively 2 weeks that I wont be able to play Warhammer Online.
  7. Therefore playing it a little obsessively lately isnt such a bad thing as I will be having a break.
  8. I think I'll log in after I have written this post.
  9. I have realised I have a knack for justifying my own actions, even if only to myself...

Ok well I am going to post again later as I have stuff to post about for a change, I might even post some of my previously written posts that I deleted long ago lol.

Also intending to do some movie reviews in the near future, I thought a good way to start would be GIJoe as I am seeing that this week. I then thought I would retro review the other Summery type films. Mainly because I already have most a review written for X-Men Origins: Wolverine which I need toi finish and edit down as thus far it is somewhat epic lol.

Goal for the day: Stop typing lol.

Apparently there is a new BSG soundtrack CD out.. I may have to find a way of obtaining it...


Chris Christison said...

Ha- ha! I'm in your blog, gommenting at 04:17am-ish!

Chris Christison said...

Gommenting? GOMMENTING? I must be more tired then I thought- the 'g' isn't even near the 'c'!!

Oddzilla said...

I like gommenting, I think it is a goood word. Amusingly I was up tol half 2 playing WAR with my brother lol

Unknown said...

Ithink you will find i started the trend of playing in my under crackers